Sunday, September 18, 2011

Unit One:Origin Myths and Oral Tradition

`I think that in this unit it will be covered over myth that people may believe in. Oral tradition may be a original tradition that the people had to communicate through words be mouth. This is what I think will be on this unit.

The Circle Of Life
by Larry Kibby

Oh Great Spirit Of the Indian People
Hear my words For they are words that come From the heart, soul and mind. 

Oh Great Spirit Be my eyes, Be my ears, Be my heart, Be my soul,
So that I may walk With dignity and pride. 

Oh Great Spirit Of the Indian People
Know of me. For I am of your people. I am Indian, An Indian of the Circle of Life
A prisoner of War In my own Land!

Oh Great Spirit, Of the Indian people,
Hear my words For they are for you. They are of you. You are my way of life
In the Circle of Life. 


 I think this poem is about  their circle in life such as their pride in their culture respect and what they think is important for them. I really like this poem because it talks about life and how the Indian would live their life and what they believed was important to them.

                   The earth on the turtles back

This story is about a women who in expectin a child and has a dream.  She told her husband about the dream he got sad because he said that they had to work really hard to make that dream come true.One day she feld into a tree  hold that was on the floor. She came flyingdown the sky and that when the animals wanted to take her back to earth.They tried to go down and get it but nobody could until a little muskrat came a brought it up and put it on top of the turtle.

The Chief of Skyland's young wife was expecting a child. One night she dreamt she saw the great tree
uprooted. The next morning she told her husband her dream. "This is very sad," he said, "for it is a
dream of great power and we must do all we can to make it come true." Then the chief called all the
men together and told them they must uproot the tree. But the roots were so deep and strong they
couldn't budge it. ( this is how I know that they really cared about there culture.)

The myth that i choose was Chinook.this is about Talapas he gave life to the earth but as eggs. He then told Thunderbird to take really good care of these eggs so that they could not brake.Thunderbird had to place then on top of a mountain named Colombia river.He did as followed. Then some people not wait for the eggs to hatch they broke them. Then the spirit bird with to the sun and consumed her with fire in revenge. Soon the eggs that were left over became Chinook.

I really dont see any relation between us know and then. Know we don't go to the sun. I think this was important to the people back then because they really believed what people would tell then. If they didn't do something bad who happen to them.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work. I enjoyed reading the myth you chose.
